Archive for the ‘Content Marketing’ Category

6 Reasons to Utilize Infographics in Your Content Marketing Strategy

6 Reasons to Utilize Infographics in Your Content Marketing Strategy

We are now living in an age wherein more than one billion pieces of content are created every day. With that large amount of data, some readers are continuously collating, organizing, and curating data either by bookmarking pages, saving files in folders, or even manually jotting them down in

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Content Marketing: The Heart of Online Success

Content Marketing: The Heart of Online Success

I have long been a huge supporter of Content Marketing and feel it is something every single company should be using in one way or another. Not only does it provide a number of benefits for your company, like social signals, feedback, and new customers, but it

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Does Facebook’s Edgerank Apply to Your Domain as a Whole?

Does Facebook’s Edgerank Apply to Your Domain as a Whole?

By now, everyone who is actively marketing, or interested in marketing on Facebook, should be aware of Edgerank, which is Facebook’s algorithm to determine which updates show in the news feed. I was having a conversation with a Social Ads client the other day about increasing likes

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To Rank Well, Attract Buzz: Natural Links, +1s, Likes, Follows, Shares…

To Rank Well, Attract Buzz: Natural Links, +1s, Likes, Follows, Shares…

Maile Ohye has put out another Google Webmaster Help video talking about what advice she would give to startups in the first 10 minutes. Around 8:20 in the video, she mentions how valuable social media is to find a potential audience for your site and increase query volumes. Maile

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Case Study: The Evolution of Bridal Lingerie (Infographic)

Case Study: The Evolution of Bridal Lingerie (Infographic)

On May 10, 2012, we conducted a content marketing campaign for an Infographic that we had created for one of our clients, which received great traction and success across a number of the top social communities, such as Reddit, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, and others. When coming up with

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Testing Social Signals in Search (Infographic)

Testing Social Signals in Search (Infographic)

It is only natural that search engines are going to be looking at social signals to either influence search results or validate them. All the search engines have either created or partnered with social sites, incorporating elements of them into their search results, and many conversations we

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Hardcore Social Tactics Slides & The Epic Danny Sullivan Rant

Hardcore Social Tactics Slides & The Epic Danny Sullivan Rant

On Tuesday this week, we presented on a session at SMX Advanced called Hardcore Social Tactics, which I was very happy to see had a packed room and great response from the attendees. Whether for good or bad, I always tend to make my presentations really close

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YouTube’s Auto-Generated Channels, Topics, and Blogs

YouTube’s Auto-Generated Channels, Topics, and Blogs

YouTube has offered auto-generated channels around specific ‘popular’ topics, like latte art and snowboarding, for about a year now, but on May 4th, they really opened the feature up introducing /topics/ and /blogs/, as well as including the channels in your YouTube search results, Recommeded for you section, Top

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Case Study: Chinese Gangster Lost Phone Photos

Case Study: Chinese Gangster Lost Phone Photos

On March 20, 2012, a series of photos recovered from a cell phone that belonged to a Chinese gangster went viral online, gathering tens of millions of views in a matter of 48 hours. The images included stacks of cash, numerous poses around a Porsche, photos of

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