Hardcore Social Tactics Slides & The Epic Danny Sullivan Rant

On Tuesday this week, we presented on a session at SMX Advanced called Hardcore Social Tactics, which I was very happy to see had a packed room and great response from the attendees.

Whether for good or bad, I always tend to make my presentations really close to my speaking date (within a day or two) so I never really have the final or real version available in the collection SMX Advanced provides for download.

So if you attended the session, or think you can decipher my slides, here they are for you to reference and review:

Here are some great recap posts on the session:

On another note, during the Ask the SEOs session, Danny went off on a rant about Links and it turned into one of the most epic rants ever. Someone said they had got it on video, but so far I have not seen the video surface, but the full audio of the rant has, thanks to Jeremy Bencken at WebSimple.

If you have any questions about the presentation or some comments on Danny’s rant, feel free to leave them below.


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Brent Csutoras is a social media marketing consultant and entrepreneur, who specializes in social media marketing, content marketing, and viral content creation.


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