Archive for the ‘Social Media’ Category

Twitter Rolls Out Enhanced Profiles to Everyone

Twitter Rolls Out Enhanced Profiles to Everyone

You have probably seen at least one article discussing the ‘enhanced profile‘ options that Twitter has been slowly rolling out since December 2011. It was initially launched as an advertising option for a select few high profile business accounts, but according to Twitter they would ‘continue to

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To Post or Not to Post (Infographic)

To Post or Not to Post (Infographic)

Since most  job recruiters are now looking at a candidate’s online reputation before making hiring decisions, job seekers should consider the things they need to check or adjust on their social profiles. Whatever gets posted on a candidate’s social profile may have an impact on whether or

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Reddit Mods Remove ‘Overly Attached Girlfriend’ IAmA For Being Internet Famous

Reddit Mods Remove ‘Overly Attached Girlfriend’ IAmA For Being Internet Famous

Reddit, one of the most popular social aggregation sites ever, has recevied a lot of attention for its IAmA section over the last few months. From Kevin Rose’s delay in answering questions, to the recent President Obama IAmA that took the site down. However, it is receiving

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Social Media Checklist for Business (Infographic)

Social Media Checklist for Business (Infographic)

People always ask us what basic things they can do on a day to day basis, to improve their social media presence on the top social communities. Well the guys at the whole brain group have put together a great Infographic, that can be printed and used

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Social Sites You Shouldn’t Overlook at SMX Social 2012

Social Sites You Shouldn’t Overlook at SMX Social 2012

It has been almost 5 years since I spoke at the very first SMX Social in New York City, but it feels like a lifetime ago with how far social media has evolved as an essential form of online marketing. So I am very excited that I

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Experiencing an Unexplained Loss of Facebook Page Likes?

Experiencing an Unexplained Loss of Facebook Page Likes?

You might have noticed over the last couple weeks, an unusual reduction in the number of Facebook likes on a given Facebook fanpage. This is likely due to a new change in their automated fake likes detection system, which they recently updated and announced through their Facebook

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What is the Future of Social Networks?

What is the Future of Social Networks?

Last week, Brian Chappell asked me if I would be interested in commenting on a post he was putting together around the Future of Social Networks. Here are the questions he provided, along with my thoughts. 1. Do you think social networking has hit a saturation point

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Reddit Displays Number of Users Online in Subreddits

Reddit Displays Number of Users Online in Subreddits

One of the larger conversations we have with clients when it comes to Reddit, is that just because a specific subreddit has a lot of subscribers, doesn’t mean it is really that active. It is better to have your content submitted to a subreddit that has only

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8 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Edgerank, Engagement, and Success

8 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Edgerank, Engagement, and Success

We have been providing content marketing and social promotion services for many years, and although we used Facebook as a part of that marketing, we never really focused on it as a major channel. This was in part due to the fact that everything was private amongst

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Adwars Google vs. Facebook! (Infographic)

Adwars Google vs. Facebook! (Infographic)

Advertising is cutthroat business and the business of online advertising is quickly becoming the battle of two Goliaths, Facebook and Google. Check out this cool infographic from Wordstream that lays out the advertising battle for you. It’s not surprising that Facebook is loosing this fight right now as they

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