Archive for the ‘Google’ Category

The Circle Your Circle Recommends

The Circle Your Circle Recommends

Not everyone is using Google+ yet, and a lot of people have made accounts there but have not really jumped in and stayed active. So it is very easy to follow a large number of your friends and peers, only to find a pretty quiet stream. My

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Picking the Right Social Network for Your Marketing Campaigns (Infographic)

Picking the Right Social Network for Your Marketing Campaigns (Infographic)

When it comes to marketing your content or product in social media, it is not always as easy as it looks. It often takes month to years to build up a social following and credibility, to be able to effectively market your campaign, whether it be content

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Social News Recap – July 2, 2012

Social News Recap – July 2, 2012

Missed some Social News last week? Not feeling up to speed? Don’t worry, we rounded up a handful of the most important stories so you can catch up quick! 1) New Facebook WordPress Plugin The social giant, Facebook, has released a new WordPress plugin, which allows you to

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To Rank Well, Attract Buzz: Natural Links, +1s, Likes, Follows, Shares…

To Rank Well, Attract Buzz: Natural Links, +1s, Likes, Follows, Shares…

Maile Ohye has put out another Google Webmaster Help video talking about what advice she would give to startups in the first 10 minutes. Around 8:20 in the video, she mentions how valuable social media is to find a potential audience for your site and increase query volumes. Maile

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Google Launching +1 Recommendations

Google Launching +1 Recommendations

Google+ announced today that it is adding a recommendations feature to the +1 buttons used across the web. When users hover over a +1 button on a website, they will be shown other content from that domain, or sub-domain, that they think you would like. Here is

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Testing Social Signals in Search (Infographic)

Testing Social Signals in Search (Infographic)

It is only natural that search engines are going to be looking at social signals to either influence search results or validate them. All the search engines have either created or partnered with social sites, incorporating elements of them into their search results, and many conversations we

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SEOs & Googlers Get Lego’d

SEOs & Googlers Get Lego’d

Yesterday a number of really cool Logo charactertures where published over on, and I was lucky enough to be included in them. Not quite sure why I am wearing a shirt that says SEO Sucks, as I have always been a huge fan of SEO and

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Matt Cutts: How to Rank #1 on Google

Matt Cutts: How to Rank #1 on Google

For as long as I can remember people have been looking to Matt Cutts, Google’s Head of Webspam, for advice and help trying to rank #1 in the world’s most popular search engine; You can see it in the massive number of readers from his blog,

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