Archive for the ‘Advertising’ Category

Adwars Google vs. Facebook! (Infographic)

Adwars Google vs. Facebook! (Infographic)

Advertising is cutthroat business and the business of online advertising is quickly becoming the battle of two Goliaths, Facebook and Google. Check out this cool infographic from Wordstream that lays out the advertising battle for you. It’s not surprising that Facebook is loosing this fight right now as they

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More Reports Facebook Ad Clicks Are Actually Bots

More Reports Facebook Ad Clicks Are Actually Bots

EDIT: I think anyone who is interested in this issue has to read this post by Erik Larson - Jake Filan, Director of Social Ads at Kairay Media, wrote a really good post on Search Engine Journal about our findings when using Facebook Ads on a number

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The NBA Finals… and What They Teach Us About Social Advertising?

The NBA Finals… and What They Teach Us About Social Advertising?

Leading up to the NBA Finals with the Miami Heat and the Oklahoma City Thunder all I kept hearing across the sports networks was how it was the “big three” (Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, and Chris Bosh) against the little three, or “other big three” (Kevin Durant,

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The Digital Advertising Age is Here to Stay (Infographic)

The Digital Advertising Age is Here to Stay (Infographic)

With everything from phones to refrigerators going digital these days we thought this Infographic from R.O.I. Media did a really great job of outlining the current state and future of digital advertising. You don’t need to be a marketer to realize that print ad is going downhill fast,

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