Social News Recap – June 11, 2012

Another week has begun and we are seeing tons of social news stories breaking across the web. While we’re sure that you’ve been trying to keep up with everything, we’d love to help keep you up to speed with the Social Media news that shook up the web last week.

Google Acquiring Social Media Meebo

On Monday, Meebo announced that it has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Google.  Meebo Blog reads “For more than seven years we’ve been helping publishers find deeper relationships with their users and to make their sites more social and engaging.” This statement hints that Google might be adopting Meebo’s service to integrate with Google’s owned Social Networking site, Google Plus, but time will tell.

Bitly Gets Redesigned: Continuously Gaining Negative Feedback from Users

The link shortening service Bitly is said to leave its users confused and upset when it rolled out its major overhaul of getting the service a social-focused redesign. Users are basically neither happy nor impressed with the redesign and new features, as they find it more intricate and confusing. Here are some useful links to give you an idea what other users feel about Bitly’s redesign.

From blog

LinkedIn Passwords Leaked onto a Russian Hacker Website

On June 6, a Norweigan IT website reported that 6.5 Million LinkedIn encrypted passwords was posted to a Russian Web forum by hackers. These hackers have invited the community to help them with these passwords’ decryption.  Since this is a major privacy issue to the professional social networking site, they addressed it immediately claiming that those passwords will no longer be valid.

LinkedIn Blog reads, “Members that have accounts associated with the compromised passwords will notice that their LinkedIn account password is no longer valid”.

Facebook  Launches App Center

Finally after rumours, Facebook launched their very own App Center last Friday. iOS and Android users can now access apps from mobile devices and desktop computers.

App center has 600+ apps so far.


Twitter and Facebook’s Improved Integration

Facebook and Twitter are showing a lot of integration improvement these days.  Just last week, Facebook and Twitter users encountered a new integration experience – the use of rich media feature.

According to Twitter Spokesman Robert Weeks, the updated Twitter for Facebook integration now includes additional rich media experiences related to the first photo, URL, @mention, or #hashtag in the cross-posted tweet.

Make sure to subscribe to our rss and check our blog regularly, as well as follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with important happenings in social media.

Did we miss something you felt was important from last week, if so, please let us know in the comments below.

Written by

Kristel Cuenta
As Social Media Manager, Kristel is responsible for managing our client’s social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and other social channels. She is in charge of planning and executing audience engagement and development strategies.
Kristel Cuenta
@Kristen_Ritter :) - 2 days ago
Kristel Cuenta
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