Case Study: Pinterest Success With Contributor Boards

On May 1, 2014, we conducted a content marketing campaign for Kid’s Creation, for an article they wrote about 9 DIY Yard Hacks You Have To Try.

In general, DIY type content does really well in social, especially for topics like yard work and gardening, so we knew that the images and the tips would not only work well together, but also individually, allowing us a better chance to promote it over time multiple times.


Campaign Goal

Our goal was to get the content as much visibility, but primarily to try to have success on visual sites like Pinterest, where the content is ideal for the audience.

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Campaign Approach Used

We started by identifying various active boards (using some tools through their API), where the content would not only fit, but would also perform well and would likely accept the content to be included on the board. We then made sure to select images for each board that would perform the best, and promoted the various images, linking back to the source content, for about two weeks.

Social Communities / Platforms Used


  • Pinterest – 513 repins
  • Facebook – 129 likes
  • Twitter – 39 retweets
  • Google+ – 70 +1s
  • Stumbleupon – 110 views

We were successful in reaching out to large boards that are ideal for this content which resulted with more than 500 repins for the content. The huge following these boards had made a big difference in the visibility and reach of the promotion.

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